The new series of Piers Morgan's Life Stories continues this week (25 February) with Trisha Goddard. Coleen Nolan joins Piers Morgan. ITV / Shiver. The latest episode of Piers Morgan’s Life Stories is on ITV tonight, Thursday 25 February, at 9pm. An all new series of Piers Morgan's Life Stories returns to ITV. Piers Morgan's Life Stories (also known as Life Stories) is a British television chat show on ITV, presented by journalist Piers Morgan.Recorded in front of a studio audience, each episode is devoted to one celebrity guest. Piers Morgan's Life Stories is returning for 2021, and there's a great lineup of guests this time round. Piers Morgan on Good Morning Britain in 2017. The Good Morning Britain host revealed Gemma’s episode will air … Episode 5 - Coleen Nolan. Rex Features. Nigel Farage on Piers Morgan's Life Stories in 2016. Piers Morgan’s Life Stories has returned for a new series, delving into the lives of five celebrities. Published: Wed 03 Mar 2021 ... Piers Morgan’s Life Stories. ITV. His programme became a huge success after he grilled reality TV star Katie Price in 2009, and he's gone on to interview the likes of Roger Moore, Warwick Davis, Boy George and most recently, Captain Sir … When is Piers Morgan's Life Stories with Mel B on TV and what does the Spice Girl reveal? This information contained herein is embargoed from press use, commercial and non-commercial reproduction and sharing into the public domain until Tuesday 23 February 2021. Kim Cattrall on Piers Morgan's Life Stories in 2016. Piers Morgan has announced Gemma Collins is the latest celebrity he’s interviewing for his Life Stories series. 26 March 2019, 11:07. In each episode of the series, Piers will delve into the lives and minds of … Simon appeared on the third series of Piers Morgan’s Life Stories in 2010. Find out when Piers Morgan's Life Stories is on TV, including Series 12-Episode 2: Captain Sir Tom Moore. Piers Morgan's Life Stories with Mel B will air later this year. Channel: ITV .

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